Saturday, April 18, 2009

Best item for this hero TINKER.

This imbalance hero is the best of all intellegence hero. if the users of this
hero is [PRO]Professional. you will know earlier whos gonna win the game. 1st item is empty bottle,courrier,boots. hunt till you can buy a boots of travel and 1 null talisman. this hero always use his boots of travel for hunting,back up,creepings! and your next item is Shiva's Guard. then choose between of this item [Bkb]black king bar or Guinsoo. its better to support your killer allied hero. at starts game dont let other people will bully u. it cause your hero WEAK.

Best item for this hero [Riki]Stealth Assassin

Many user's of the hero they buy a item Ring of health or Vladmir's offering. hey hey hey!!! that was a wrong and bad item. the important for this hero is to level up. Rikimaru's needs a support like a intelligence hero. for regeneration just buy only a tango. u may needed a 3wraith band and power threads. for assassin's. then your next item diffiusal for solo hunting. for clashes u need MANTA soo biuld your manta style. butterfly,[mkb]monkey king bar.or your [bkb]black king bar. here's some tip for escaping when your trap. blink to the stunner hero use your smoke screen and [TP].tower portal. ;)

Best item for this hero. [Lich]

For how many times id try what is the best item of this hero. finally id get whats right item. empty bottle, courier. Get your 1st skill frost nova 3rd skill dark ritual.
im gaurantee you that u can bully enemy's hero. please guys master your courier for [HP]hit point and mana regenaration much better if theres a perseverance too. your next item dagger then mekansm. if u have a dagger much better to kill enemy hero before you creepings. next build your guinsoo. if the game go longer better to buy a heart of tarasque.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Best item's for this hero Storm Spirit!

Storm spirit is a long game intelligence hero. this hero dont need a Regenaration mana at beginning game. most need of this hero is more MANA. Soo you will need a blood stone,guinsoo,linken sphere's.. and try to kill as long as there a mana.this is 1 of the BEST support hero. enjoy killing!

best item's for this hero krobelos the Deathprophet.

Are a good courier user. well if your good that was the first item you will use or buy, empty bottle,boots of phase. hunt mode.use your exorcism your style is you must follow an enemy hero. i am sure it will run just follow and follow.
becuase thier HP hitpoint at fisrt its just only 800+. then your next item is blood stone or mekansm. after that guinsoo.. get 1skill of silent for killing or scape. always click your boots of phase. hope i can help. thanks for reading.

best item's for [Yurnero]Omnislash

for this hero guys,your first item's is boots of speed and tango for 5vs5. to kill you will need a allies supprt like mortred anthing slower or stunner. then perseverance,power treads, stygian desolator, hope that your melee allies have a vlidimirs. soo u wont buy a helm of dominator. instead battle fury.always go to your slower or stunner allies when killing.if you were
corner of 5 heroes its easy to escape! just like this guys Omnislash then bladefury [TP]
Tower Portal. just like that easy =)'. i will put video soon. thanks for reading

Monday, March 23, 2009

Best item's for [Lanaya] Templar Assassin

And for this character [Lanaya] Templar Assassin, first item is empty bottle. and your skill is. for 1st skill Refraction,2nd skill Meld. then Phase boots, you must put a trap in the Power ups. then hunt and hunt. just master the Refraction,meld and trap. advance 1 trap for hero hunting, if finish [CD] Cool Down, attack the hero. next item is lothars for hunt and Escape.[COMBO] click lothars and go behind the enemy hero then meld attack. item's is Empty bottle, Phase boots, Lothar's edge, and then Stygian Desolator. practice it 5x more... SOON i will put video on it. Thanks for reading.